Monday, June 6, 2011

Lazy Me

Sure everyone has ever feel lazy on Today I really didn’t want to do anything (well…I did submitted monthly report to the bosses..hehehe). My body in an office but mind at home.. sitting comfortly on a couch, eating snacks and watch TV. I don’t know why I’m always feeling tired. That is the reason I need more sleep but I found the more I sleep the more I get tired. Sometimes I’m tired of sleeping. There is the time I cannot sleep and sometimes cannot get enough sleep.

I don’t even know what happened to me. Spent my weekend wandering around shopping malls and eating whatever I feel to but still cannot get this tired feeling. Well…I’m not physically tired. I’m not even know what to called it.. emotionally tired? I have no idea at all. To think about it also make me tired hahahaa…. Wah! so many of ‘tired’ words today. I better off before I become more tired hahha…

Can’t wait to go home for more lazing time hahaha…


  1. luckily im on leave today and no monday blues. Well, try makes u feel good and energetic!

  2. Chris..enjoy your holiday. Yes I should go for jog or gym hehhee..
