Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Keep Moving..

My previous post talked about ‘fly again’. Well, I went for my Master convocation at PWTC. Spend few days in Kuala Lumpur do some shopping and sightseeing. I utilized my times to recover from tiredness, busyness and routines of life. Some people might think I overdo myself by studying while working full time. But I have my own purposes.. Nobody can take that from me…hehehee. I still have few papers to finish but in different course.. well life is experimental and learning time never stop right?. Hope I can finished it by next coming year ^-^. I get used with busy life and I’m trying hard not to burden myself with all the negatives thinking of others. After all, it is my road. Nobody can walk it for me. 

I have promised myself to live my life to the fullest by embrace it in every corner of my life. Whatever storms, turmoil or windy road along the journey, I’ll do my best to keep moving forward. Others see me as a beautiful and cheerful creature while deep inside I crawled my life to the best. I do believe everyone have their own road to walk on. It’s only matter how we walked with it.

Have a blessed day ahead..


  1. congrats but shouldn't you be awarded a Mistress degree instead?


  2. Big congrats alv! I'm so agree with your view on living your life the way you want and just ignore those negative words by others.Dream big & love life.God bless.(:

  3. Congrats! and I really what you wrote:

    "I have promised myself to live my life to the fullest by embrace it in every corner of my life. Whatever storms, turmoil or windy road along the journey, I’ll do my best to keep moving forward. Others see me as a beautiful and cheerful creature while deep inside I crawled my life to the best. I do believe everyone have their own road to walk on. It’s only matter how we walked with it."


  4. Hi Alv, well done! May the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.
    Have fun, and reach for the stars.
