Monday, September 6, 2010

Parasites Friends..

We know what parasites is. But do we know those parasites also lived in a form of human being? This parasites could harm and possibly causing a ‘death’ to us. These kinds of people somehow come with motives and acted in a ‘good manner’. As a host we don’t realize it until it eats us up.

They go wherever you go and you have to ‘feed’ them while you’re dying. They attached with you in good time but ‘missing’ in a bad time. Often time they show themselves as a depressed friend and need your attention. You with them until you realized they used you for something benefited to them. They used your name to get attention, talk rude things about you to earned others trust and very good in displaying themselves to others as a victims and lead others to changed their perceptions about you.

They come to you with reason but left you with thousand reasons. Sometimes we feel guilty for wanting them away from you. Under normal circumstances, they come to your life with a tonne of problems and as a good friend you trying hard to be as good listener realizing you can’t help them out. Lead by the guilt and sympathize you offered services to them. Like, pick them up in your car, drives them places and happened sometimes you got stuck in the worst by lending them money. This parasites has no way to pay you back because they’re very good in manipulate your feelings of guilt over their situation and play on your sympathy to get more out of you. But once we offended them after helping them so much like, not giving them what they desire, they will attack to your self-esteem by bringing up all kinds of insults from your pasts or your weaknesses to barb you with.

Fuhh… I really hated those parasites. Why I posts this parasites things? It’s happened to me!!. I’d tried talked nicely to them but the guilt feeling in me wins them all. What shall I do with this kind of people? They might unaware of their own behaviour. I do understand for some people they are parasites by circumstances but through my observation these persons called ‘friends’ are parasite by choice!.. really pist me off. They wanted my attention when and where they wanted it, whether I like it or not they don’t care as long I exercise my duty as a FRIEND.

Forgive me for I’m complaining this time..hehee. I guess, I’ll stop talking to them and not responding to any conversation (emm.. Can I do that? Is it bad?). I don’t want them to leech over me forever… tired.


  1. Here wishing you a great week ahead, forget about the parasitical friends,we can live without them,right?

    take care now and god bless

  2. Don't let urself bothered with such people. It's not worth your time.
    Have a pleasant week. Happy Holidays too.

  3. Mixed with those u like and ignore those u dislikes, as simple as that.

  4. Parasites? far I have not met one like u mentioned. But it's okay to feel that way sometimes.

    May God be with you always.

  5. if those happens 2U.. then it's also surrounds me.. we cannot escape from this parasite called people as u named it.. hehe.. but 1 thing i know, be good to others n u'll be treated back gud as u wish ;-)

  6. Eugene, yup I'm trying to forget and forgive all in order to have a great week. You take care too and God bless..

  7. Vialentino, why cute? is it because I post an angry statements? hehehe...yeah thats cute

  8. Honey..trying not. Happy Holidays to you too..

  9. Willie..good you never these kind of people...happy for you

  10. DZ..yup be good to others and never expect anything..hehehe

  11. Hi Alv, just ignore them. There's always such people around.
    I have experienced many such people before....I just give them my 'I don't like you' stare, that's it, they go away.

    You just relax, don't worry get stressed up over these....they know not what they do.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  12. parasites friends.
    i see a lot of them.
    instead of bothering about them, its better to just leave them.

  13. Uncle Lee, you are correct. Ignored them is a best cure..

  14. Santafire, yes..let us leave them hehhee..

  15. have a lot of those. cling tilli leave the place. now found some, here, the exact duplicate of the old parasite. my conscience just wont let me leave them...

  16. bd..try harder dont let them eat you.. :)

  17. well, as you said, we feel guilty for not wanting anything to do with them when they have "so much problem"
    but as time goes by u will notice that, they suck the energy from your life. so yeah its for our own well being to distant ourselves.

  18. Goldflower..yup, better make a bridge

  19. hmm.. i know these kind of people. Ignore them and they'll know one day their good for nothing character will cause them their friends. What friends??! :p

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  38. These parasites prey on nice people. I have given everything to some people. Help them, lend them money, always let them have their way because you feel guilty that their life is harder than yours. Do you get anything in return? At first they praise you, treat you like a friend. When you eventually tire of them taking advantage of your good nature and generosity, you politely say NO. That is where the "friendship" ends. They insult you, forget everything you ever did for them -- like spoiled children. I do treat people the way I want to be treated, but sometimes you do not get the same back. It is hard when you love someone, and they turn their back on you as if you mean nothing just because you disagree on something now. These are not friends. I wish I could identify them better sooner. Perhaps that's my life lesson to learn.
