Have a blessed and special Monday!!.
It is been quite a while I did not write anything. I did not managed spend more time on writing due to the busyness. Yup.. work, church and social activities took over my time. Whatever it is, I’m enjoyed for everything that occupied my time hehehhee…
Time passed so fast and now we are coming to the third week of Lent and soon are Easter season. Luckily, I managed spent my time helping and ministered in Liturgy of the Word Children Retreat at BTRC last weekend. Lent is a special time when we can share the concepts of prayer and giving with our children and teach them how they might help others in need by giving of their time or resources. Lent is a time when we can teach our children to be a better person and do more things that God likes them to do and of course for us as well. The theme of ‘I Choose Jesus’ really inspired me and the children in encountering the journeys to know Him more. Hundreds kids of age 9-14 years attends the 3 days retreat, facilitated by teachers and teenagers of the children ministry.
The environment is really refreshing and gives a peace of mind to me. Woke up early in the morning with fresh air, cold and serene environment. How beautiful God’s creation! Praise Him!!
The speaker talked about the sins and relates it to the Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) tothe children and symbolizes the white clothes as our life. He placed the ashes to the clothes and taught the children and all the participants that we are sinners. Only through repentance, the ashes would go away. I loved the creative way of the speaker when he asked the children to list down the wrong things they’ve done without their name in a piece of paper and placed it at the board with the cloths dirt by ashes till end of the sessions. Apart from it, he placed ashes to our forehead throughout the day as a remembrance of the sins we are committed. Imagine we walked with the ashes throughout the days..hahahhaha.. luckily its only for 2 days.
In the session of the reflecting the bible verses, each of the children are given one bible verse for them to read, understand and share with one another in a group. I’ve touched by one of the children in the group when he says ‘God loves children’ after reflecting his verse. When the Holy Spirit worked, nothing could stop the young children to understand the God’s words.
What is really touched me among the sessions is the Station Of the Cross session. Everybody including the small children has experienced the ‘burden’ of the cross (really heavy). One to two persons have to carry it while the prayers and songs been sung. Most of the children touched by the prayers and songs in reflecting how suffer Jesus Christ is. Some burst in tears including the facilitators. My heart and eyes full of tears watching the tears of the children.
I do believe our children out there need guidance and exemplary of living life in prayer after seeing the ‘sins list’.
Overall, I enjoyed my weekend although I got fever after returned to KK. It’s worth it!! lol..