Welcome to July...
Being busy for over a month. Work commitment, moving house, social activities and other things that need my attention causing me whining more. Lacked of sleep and rest make me look like pandas..lol.
But thanks God.. I still managed to go for short vacation to Manila. I almost cancelled the planned due to the poor time management but God help me through it. Managed to took some pictures..

St. Pancratius Chapel (Paco Park)
Statue of Jose Rizal (The Mason). RIP in December 1896
The monument of Jose Rizal. He believed freedom is belong to everybody. Blood is not the answered. He wrote a poem to express his feeling and view. Those happened in Revolution period.
International Museum.
What a blessed day!!.. a visit to St Augustine Church and managed to crowd with the wedding mass hehehe..
Lechon everywhere..lol..
High class Chinese Cemetery!! even the dead people still 'living' in the house. This is not due to any eerie or horror factor but the ultimate luxury. Their house are even can be considered as a bungalow and mansion furnished with toilet, kitchen, bedroom, balcony like a normal residential neighborhood. I don't dare to took a pictures. I amazed by their 'wealthiness'. You all can google it out.
The Quiapo Church was declared as the Minor Basilica of Black Nazerene where the dark statue of Jesus Christ placed in. No camera allowed in the church...sad.. :(
Religious items on sale...
The street of Minor Basilica of Black Nazarene which is famous for enshrining the dark statue of Jesus Christ. Many faithful claimed the statue have a miraculous power. As I says, believe it with faith.
Rizal Park located at the heart of the city of Manila. Favorite spot for socializing, leisure and family picnics.
Historical park of Jose Rizal
The story of Jose Rizal. He was shot to dead. The bronze and granite Rizal monument is a famous sculptural landmark in the city.
Horse riding in the park cost about 200++ peso.
Sunset view from Rizal Park
One of the favorite pilgrimage site and famous among the Catholics for healing and prayers
50 feet statue of Blessed Virgin Mary
Beautiful landscape
Located less than two hours from Manila City. Known as a popular pilgrimage site among the Catholics.
About an hour to reach the island using boat and more than hours to ride horse to the Taal lake.
Invigorating and serene atmosphere.
Restaurant at Tagaytay. One of the finest and famous restaurant. It's always full house. You have to wait to be seated within 45minutes to 1 hour!!..
The good temptation at Manila... Genting World... lol. No camera allowed at this premises. CCTV are all around.
Wet Market.
Lining up to mall. In Manila, they checked everybody before allowed them to enter the premises. Each bag are scanned.
My last stop... spa and full body massage with buffet dinner cost about 800peso (RM56).