What is being alone means to me?? To me word ‘alone’ are doing something without accompany of anybody. Almost all the time I dine alone, shopping and buy groceries alone, watch tv-movies alone especially on weekend, went to mass alone, study alone, driving alone and sleep alone.. lol ^-^. For some reason, I prefer to be alone. I can stay in the library with a books for 5 hours straight all by myself. Well…the only thing I want to learn now is to live alone because all of my years I lived with family. I’ll move out soon and live alone. And again I want to do things alone. I have everything in planned. One thing I’m very sure about myself is.. I’m independence in a kind of way.
By the way, I’m not introvert or loner. In fact I like talking (I think this is my traits and I cant stop talking.. non-stop.. I should become a politician hehhe..) hang out with friends and try new things together. Thinking to meet new peoples, coz I think my friends are tired of listening to me..hahhaha.
I am alone most of the time because I don’t really have a choice. Being single (and mingle too… J ) and with only my colleagues, I usually do things on my own and I like it. Sometimes I feel good coz I don’t have to argue with anybody about something or trying hard to ‘buy’ their hearts. The best things is I can do anything without thinking of what the other person might say.
But not all the time being alone is good…take me for example, I like talking…if I alone then whom I want to talk to?. The only things could shut me up is a books… hehhee. So I had decided and enrolled or should I say renewed myself again as a library member after 10 years being expelled from the list…why? My card expired. New to me, no more plastic card to identified you as a member but with an Identity Card. I borrowed a bunch of books to read for this coming weekend and thinking to lock myself in a room. Should I buy some Pringles and cappuccino to complete it? Hehehe...
While we are in the corner of celebrating Independence Day, I want to take this opportunity to wish all Malaysian ‘Happy Independence Day’ and psssttt.. declaring my weekend independence too.. hehehe..